Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wedding Planner Project English I

Group 1 - The Guest List & Conversation: Who Is Invited, Where Do They Sit, and What Do They Talk About?

One of the toughest tasks when planning a wedding of this size is simply getting all the people together. You have two households, both alike in dignity, to consider. From the head of each household, to his immediate family, the bride and groom, their friends, their servants, their servants' servants, well connected businessmen and politicians, old family friends, the shady relatives from the highlands, the royalty!! Your task is awesome. You can't afford to offend anybody, yet there must be peace in the wedding hall. Review the following resources and create a list of guests and a seating chart for tables of up to ten guests per table. For each table you are to create a list of appropriate conversation topics and/or life situations that your guests will have in common. If your guests can't find enough common ground to talk they are bound to draw their mistempered weapons and have at each other!
Some topics to consider as you search are: everyday life, politics, social events, cultural events and any other category listed below.


Welcome to the Age of Chivalry -
Surveillance, Militarism and Drama in Elizabethan Era
WildWinds Databank of Ancient Coins
Stanford Library Medieval Links
Italian Politics of the 15th Century
History and Economy of a Medieval Town
WWW Virtual Library History Index, Medieval Europe
Medieval Weapons and Arms
What Was it Like to Live in the Middle Ages
Health in the Middle Ages
A Medieval Response to Municipal Pollution
The Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe
The Plague
Middle Ages Internet Links
Life in the Middle Ages

Group One Grading Information
1. 30 points Guest list--70 people--NAME, OCCUPATION, and INTERESTS of each guest. You are making these people up.
2. 30 Points Church seating chart with immediate family listed in specific spots and others just list the side to sit on. TABLE SEATING CHART for reception with NAMES of guests.
3. 40 Points A LIST OF TOPICS for each table to discuss during the reception.

Group Two ~ Fashion and Food ~ What Do the Wedding Party and Guests Wear?What Will You Feed Them?

Your group will have two functions that you may divide and complete anyway you see fit. All members of this group will share the same grade.
The first thing your group will do is to search your resources and determine what types of outfits your wedding party and guest will wear. What can we expect to see at this stellar fiesta? You are to design a wedding dress for Juliet and an ensemble for Romeo. You are to create a scrapbook of outfits that the guests will be wearing.

Remember this is the wedding of the century... your guests will be DRESSED TO THE NINES

16th Century / Northern European Renaissance Costume Links
The Catholic Encyclopedia ~ Lace
Costume Page
Fashion Links

Group Two Grading Information
1. 60 Points A SCRAPBOOK OF OUTFITS your guests will wear. I have a notebook you can use.
2. 25 Points JULIET'S WEDDING DRESS handmade by you (this can be a dress you already have that you have embellished... be creative! It could be miniature or out of paper--be creative! ).
3. 15 points ROMEO'S WEDDING OUTFIT--picture of and sample fabrics (even just names of and pictures) and colors would be great.

Group 3

Many of us have been to weddings, proms, birthday parties, award dinners, and various social functions where we have endured the worst food of our lives. Instead of the industrialized, pre-fab, tasteless fare of careless cooks YOU are going to scour the internet and determine the best menu for your guests. Remember... this is the wedding to end all weddings! After you determine the foods that will be served for each course you will create an actual menu and prepare at least three of the foods you will be serving. Your actual menu may be computer generated, hand drawn, painted, prepared as a collage or any other artistic method but it must have the feel of the time period of Romeo and Juliet or Shakespeare. The foods you prepare must be as authentic in ingredients and preparation style as possible. All modern substitutes must be noted and explained.

Your guests will expect to be eating the finest cuisine available to man. You must not disappoint.

Verona Menu
Elizabethan Food
Elizabethan Food and Dining
Shakespeare and Food
Recipe Site
Medieval Manor Restaurant
Medieval Renaissance Food Clip Art Collection
Medieval Renaissance Main Food Page
Recipe Data Bank

Group Three grade:

1. 30 Points A MENU of all food and drink served at the wedding. Typed neatly like it will be presented at the tables for the wedding.
2. 50 Points THREE FOODS prepared for the class.
3. 20 Points Recipes for all foods presented in class.

Group Four ~ Music and Games ~ What Will We Do For Fun?

Your group will also have two functions that you may divide and complete anyway you see fit. All members of this group will share the same grade.
The first thing your group will do is to search your resources and determine what types of music will be appropriate for this wedding. You are to prepare a song list including song titles, composers, performers and lyrics. You should also provide a tape or CD with a collection of songs.
After you compile the music you have to get your guests moving to burn off those party calories. Search your resources to compile a list of games, activities, dances and fun for your party-goers. After you compile a list of games, select a few and design a Rule Book to pass out to all of your guests. Be ready with all necessary equipment to play a few games with us.

Renaissance Fair and Other Links
Rules for Medieval Games
SCA Music and Dance Homepage
Choral Music Sound Clips
Lammas Song Lyric

Group Four Grading Information
1. 20 Points A LIST OF MUSIC to be played at the wedding and reception.
2. 30 Points A TAPE OR CD OF MUSIC from the wedding playlist to be played for class. At least 10 songs
3. 20 Points A LIST OF GAMES to be played during the wedding and reception.
4. 30 Points A RULEBOOK and EQUIPMENT to hand out in class in order to play a game.

Group Five ~ The Service ~ What Type of Wedding Ritual Will This Be? What Are Their Beliefs?

Your group has the most important task of all... scripting the wedding. In the play Friar Lawrence performs the wedding outside the prying eyes of Shakespeare's readers. You are to research your sources and design the entire service including the Friar's words, Romeo and Juliet's vows, the witnesses' roles, any hymns sung during the service, special objects, any legal or financial conditions that must be considered... after all, we want this relationship to last this time! Make sure it is all legal in the eyes of heaven and the law.


Church of All Saints
Love, Marriage, Romance and Women in Medieval and Celtic Culture
Medieval, Norse and Celtic Christian and Pagan Marriages

Group Five Grading Information
1. 30 Points A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF RELIGION as experienced by Romeo and Juliet or Shakespeare
2. 50 Points THE SCRIPT FOR THE ENTIRE WEDDING SERVICE including bride, groom, friar, witnesses, parents,.....
3. 20 Points A PROGRAM FOR THE GUESTS (to be printed and handed out)

Presentation ~ Wedenesday, April 1st--Groups 1, 2 and 3 & Thursday Groups 4 and 5

Now's the time to tell others what you learned. Finalize your group's project and prepare a presentation for the class. This presentation will be different for each group and should be based on the content of your project. A lecture may work for Group One, while Group Two might need to be more interactive. Your creation should the following information.
The total is 100 points.
1. 10 Points Give all your names and tell why you are designing this poster, brochure, or newsletter.
2. 50 Points State the chief considerations and problems you faced while tackling your groups assignment.
3. 10 Points Each person in your group should tell about some part of your project.
4. 10 Points Have each person on the team proofread your creation for correct grammar and visual appeal.
5. 20 Points In addition to your class presentation you must also share your project by posting it in your school.

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